As Lok means to increase potency in men at home quickly

Decrease in libido and erectile dysfunction negatively affect the quality of sex life of men. Joyful raise potency at home quickly, men increase and restore the capacity.Drugs>, Folk methods are practically (for rare personal matters) side effects and contrasting.

In this article you will learn whether material and tincture will help get a quick effect (from 3 days) and increase your power.

The main causes of weak potency

Male power depends on many reasons. The speed of modern life directly affects male power. The state of physically hard working or, in contrast, weakens a sedentary lifestyle, persistent sleep deficiency and nervous stress, inappropriate nutrition and bad habits weakening weak potency.

Psychological opinion>In the modern world, the issue of creating physical objects is so intense that men often experience severe nervous stress. Many times, it is a problem of poor power.

To combat poor power, the urologist began to determine an inexpensive, extremely effective 100% natural medicine. After the use, men stop contacting a specialist forever.Read more…>

What power should be at the age of 50 years

After reaching 50 years, physical opportunities are decreasing in a man to continue sexual life, but this does not mean that they have completely disappeared. A healthy man preserves the needs of sexual intercourse, a constant interest in this issue is supported.

Nevertheless, the power in men decreases after 50 years, almost all men note that they now require more time to achieve readiness, signs of physical aging may appear in a completely healthy man.

At this age the ideal is about 8 -10 complete sexual contact per month with an average duration of 2 -3 minutes (about 50 friction). But these are average criteria, ideal for some men is a large number of contacts, for others -less. The term can also be very different.

The concept of criteria in sex life is individual: If a person feels comfortable at a certain pace of sexual contacts, it is ideal for him. In some men, sexual life ability remains to a deep age. Why is this happening? Obviously, the heredity and anterior lifestyle of a man is of great importance to the preservation of potency.

These are options for all criteria that should be taken into consideration. But in some cases, a man requires additional support.

It is best to discuss how to increase the potency after 50 years, discussing with an endrologist with a doctor. He would recommend how to strengthen your male power, recommend effective drugs, supplies diet for food or folk remedies.

Public remedies recipes to improve strength in men

The action of aphrodisiac on potency has been known since ancient times. Many of them are spices, spices and other products of natural origin.

Folk cuisine with honey

Honey is a storehouse of vitamins. Its regular use improves and restores strength, acts as a common strengthening tool for male health. The compounds are a natural stimulating in addition to the masters.

A general business council>Every morning, on an empty stomach, absorb 1 teaspoon of honey, washed with boiled warm water. It affects the potency well and acts as a normal strengthening. Change sugar with honey in a splendor.

Honey and walnuts.>

Twist 1 cup of pure walnuts on a meat mill or cut it with a knife. Stir with a glass of honey. In a dark and cool place, insist for 2 days. Eat several times a day before eating a spoon of 1-2 hours. Keep it in the fridge.

Honey and dried fruits.>

1 average lemon, 1 tbsp with a peel.

Triple effect.>

1 teaspoon. Mix honey with 1 tablespoon. Add pure chopped cedar nuts and 100 ml of aloe. Take 1 tablespoon. Teaspoon once a day.

Cedar walnuts and honey have a positive effect on male libido

Honey and ginger.>

In 300 GR. Add 1 tablespoon. Carry juice and 50 GR. Strike ginger. 10 hours.

4 magicians.>

1 teaspoon. Shahad, 100 ml of aloe, 1 tbsp. Red liquor, 0. 5 hours one teaspoon of parsley seeds.

Council from People's Hilers>To improve power, use the varieties of dark honey in compositions - a type of grain, chestnut, dandelion.

An allergist council>. Before using the rhetoric and beekeeping products, make sure that there is no allergy from them.

Home tincture to improve potency

There are many dishes of tinctures to improve erections. All men help improve health.

Alcohol with honey.>

Mix 0. 5 L of red dry wine with 1 tablespoon. Spoon of the leaf. 3 days, stir in time -time. Store in the refereeter. Drink 50 ml before taking.

For better disintegration of honey, heat alcohol slightly. Do not bring to boil!

Alcohol with alcohol.>

300 GR. Mix red dry liquor with 200 GR. Add 100 grams. Cut smile, 1 teaspoon of parsley seeds and 1 teaspoon coriander seeds. 10 days, emphasize rain on time. Place in the fridge. Drink 50 GR. Drink 50 GR. Soon before Sex.

Alcohol with dried fruits.>

0. In 7 liters of dry red wine, add crushed pruns, raisins and dried apricots for 1 tablespoon. A pinch of allei, cloves and cinnamon. 50 GR. The mixture is short, stirring the mixture on low heat.

"mulled wine".>

0. Add heat on 7 liters of red dry liquor, 1 pinch of cloves and cinnamon, 4 peppermint leaves, fire.

Tincture with white wine.>

Orange juice can be replaced with grapes.

In 1 liter white wine, add 250 ml orange juice, 70 ml lemon juice, 3 tablespoons. El Honey, 3 leaves of 3 mint, a pinch of cardamom, 3 pieces of cloves and a stick of cinnamon. Cold for summer, cool for the heat.

Natal drink.>

Netal has many different useful properties, and one of them has increased. 100 GR. Pic grass is inserted into a thermos. Add ulcer-400 mL. 5-7 hours.

Batch with vodka.>

1 teaspoon. L ground roots of the Nalles add 0. 5 liters of vodka. Hide for 3 weeks in a dark place. Take 20-25 drops before the sambhog.

We recommend not to cross the doses specified firmly.

Ginseng root on Vodka.>

0. Add 1 ginseng root, fresh or drought to 4 liters of vodka. Leave it for 21 days in a dark place. Take 40 ml every day.

With garlic.>

In 3 liters of a jar, add 800 GR. Add pure ground garlic, clean, cold, boiled water in the throat. 2 weeks stir regularly. Drink 1 tablespoon. Drink a tablespoon. Spoon per day by the end of the tinker. Store in a cold place.

"30 drops. ">

2 TBSP. Larbuties (in any form) of Sant John Wort add 120 mL of vodka.

Aspon bark

One of the best funds to increase traditional medical potency emits aspen bark. It has a positive effect on the male body and with prostatitis. The influential effects are caused by flavonoids and salicylic acid in the bark. It is better to buy in the pharmacy, but you can start collecting, but you can start collecting. It is given and it is just chewed or dissolved in the mouth. Therefore, the body will get the useful components in its pure form.

It is important to observe the correct dose so that there are no side effects, such as constipation and abdominal pain. Preparation of a product based on the spin should be required according to the following instructions:Prepare 200 grams of aspen bark, add 1 liter boiling water, insist for 1 hour, take 200 mL 3 times daily.Connect the decoction prepared according to previous instructions with a small amount of propolis. Use the product thrice a day, 1 tbsp.Pour 200 grams of aspen bark 2 tablespoons. Sharab, insist 14 days. Use 50 mL tincture in front of each meal.

Natural products to increase libido

Improper Nutrition is one of the reasons for deteriorating sexual act in a man. High qualityNatural product>Help improve strength.Eggs>There are a sexual stimulating. To stimulate an erection, drink 1 raw egg before intercourse.crazy>- Greek, cedar, hazelnuts have many useful important substances - iron, calcium, iodine, zinc. All these substances stimulate the functionality of sex glands. To improve the eraction, you need to use 30-50 grams daily. Any nuts.Garlic>- There is a rare subtlety of germanium. They need to eat or eat 1 tick of garlic per day. To remove smell from the mouth, drink garlic after drinking 1 tablespoon.Pumpkin>- Available and effective products to improve potency. Cadduous dishes are not only delicious, but also healthy. Caddu seeds have an element - zinc, which helps in improving the weak potency in a short time. Mix the purified crushed raw seeds with honey 1: 1, take 2 teaspoons. 3 times. For a permanent effect, you will take 1. 5-2 months.

For good power, the root crop and vegetables should be in a continuous menu.

How to forget about problems with dull power forever? The unique quality drug entered the market. Hundreds of positive reviews of men in 2021.Read more!>


Parsley, dill, basil, sealantro>- Increase testosterone levels in the blood, increase libido. Greeps contribute to the work of gastrointestinal tract and have a normal strong effect. Add greens to the group in both fresh and dry forms.
Onion>-Green, onion, onion restores hormonal background and improves power. It can be consumed separately or added to salads and other dishes.


Nature itself took care of humanity, making many treatment plants.Parsley>There are many essential substances. It is recommended to add to tea.St John's wort>- Increases blood circulation at the bottom - increases the synthesis of pelvic organs, testosterone.Kalgana>-Male root. Eliminates inflammation and inflammation of the root, increases sexual desire. The root of the tree is crushed in the condition of powder. In 400 ml water, add 1-2 teaspoons of powder. Add 1-2 teaspoons of powder. Boil the decades for 15 minutes under a closed lid.Ginger>- There is a unique set of components. Regular intake contributes to the development of testosterone in the blood and increases the sensitivity of the genital organ. The influx can be used in any form. Fad root - tea and tincture. Dasaladar - like a separate dish.Ginseng>It is considered natural pills. You can prepare tincture from it and you can be added to the compositions, or you can take it in its pure form. Grind the dry root and use half a teaspoon 2-3 times every day. The course of family treatment is 30-35 days. Eleutherococcus>It is considered an analog of ginseng. This remote eastern plant has a wide range of medical properties. The alcohol tincture is sold in a pharmacy. For 1 hour spoon for morning and lunch, washed with warm water.

Council of public remedies>Change coffee, tea and other drinks with phyto-one.


Any fruit and berries have a useful effect on the body. They have a high content of vitamins.Sour fruit>They are lutein - this is one of the important components to improve male mystery work.Coconut>- Improves power, increases the amount and quality of sperm. Mixed coconut milk with feature 2: 1 increases the sexual attraction of both partners.Dates>- An ancient tool to increase an erection. Eat 10 fruits - this will increase the duration of sexual intercourse.

And also, fruits and berries juice too.

Dairy products

Not all dairy products have an impact on male power. Dairy products enhancing postancy include: cheese, sour cream, cottage cheese, cream. All these products contain large amounts of calcium, which helps in male power.
Sour -Milk drinks improve the digestive system, which in turn, is a common strong tool.


Fish is a source of protein, zinc and selenium. It is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Educated fatty acids and trace elements make it useful for strength.

Different types of seafood are great. Since ancient times, they were considered the most powerful aphrodisiac. In addition to any fish, they are rich in useful acids -Omega 3>,Omega 6>,Iodine>Andvitamin D>All the components are involved in the synthesis of male hormones and enhance potency. The sips are particularly effective. They are capable of increasing sexual desire, strengthening erections, and prolonging sexual intercourse.

Spices - A store of utility for male health

Ginger, saffron and cloves are recognized by folk remedies for the power of men. The dishes with these materials are traditionally served "with a sequel" with a romantic dinner. The same applies to this type of seasoning:Ajmoda;nutmeg;cinnamon;Cardamom;Vanilla.

Spices are used as food or independently as extra. Try an exciting drink from ginger according to an ancient recipe that came from Asia.

Ginger beverages-Afrodisiacs

Grind fresh ginger root (2-3 cm) or grind it with a kitchen, add cinnamon and honey and add a glass of boiling water. To increase the male potency using this plant, folk remedies also include ginger tincture. It is ready. Take 10 drops of one night.

Another way to increase strength in a man with folk remedies is to eat ground roots of ginger mixed with honey. If you dissolve the mixture in water, you get a tasty and healthy drink that prevents prostatitis - a common cause of men's sexual weakness.

Ginger can also be pickle, sugars, drought. In any form, it will help to increase potency (folk remedies) quickly in an adult man, even in old age, the plant effectively increases libido. Romantic effects are achieved by increasing blood flow and stimulation of testosterone production. Can be eaten which have problems with liver and gallbladder, as this product causes an increase in bile secretion.

Methods and public remedies

Water processes help strengthen power - swimming, water gymnastics.Seated bath>Increase in blood circulation in the pelvic region. Add a decoction of herbs in a comfortable temperature water: chamomile, thyme or netles.Contrast seating bath>They have an effective effect to increase potency. Take 2 pelvis. Add warm water into one (40 °) in second cold (20 °). Sit optionally in each for 20 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Break yourself with a dry towel.Contrast shower>- Increases blood circulation throughout the body, gives increase in strength and energy, which in turn, increases libido and helps in increasing power. The difference of papman should be 15–20 degrees.Stimulate a cool bath>(25 degrees) gives continuous and good results to increase potency on the perineum area. The time of the euphemical shower is 2-3 minutes. The ovaries should be covered with the palm so that it does not have a stream of water. The process should be done daily within 15 days. Mustard>Soak in hot water, attachMap>For 10 minutes - This will cause an additional blood flow to the pelvic organs and will increase the strength. To increase the effect, wear socks at the top. And you can add 2 mustard to the trik region, for the speed of the exposure.Kegel exercise>LC-thought increases training power, expands ships. For Roktham, it is also used for incontinence.


A bathhouse is a "physiotherapy cabinet", where an adult man has a powerful effect on an adult's body. The hot air has a favorable effect through the respiratory tract and skin of the hot air. Then, toxins and harmful substances come through the skin pores. The circulatory circulation improves.Traditional bathroom>It is considered to be optimal in terms of temperature and humidity. In this, for the formation of steam, water splashing or treatment with water spreads with herbs with herbs, herbs or infusion of infusion. In the Stim room, the broom is used, this potency is recommended to rectify it after the presence. There is a need to rinse from, which will produce the opposite of temperature and affect libido favorably. Turkish bath>Experts say: Modern Turkish bath goes through a significant change for better. Traditions and conditions are far from real hammam, but they are also suitable for the prevention of erectile dysfunction.

Doctor -Salah>Do not go away with bath processes if problems with cardiovascular systems occur.


With the help of massage, you can not only strengthen the genitals, but can also cure many male diseases. There are many types of massage: resting, strengthening, tonic. Any of them favorably affects human health.

Supreme massage - triggers the processes of sexual functioning of sexual function. It increases sexual desire, eliminates premature ejaculation, the result is a continuous construction.Massage the tailbone region, slowly, growing up to 7–9 cm.Massage in solar playxus also contributes to sexual enthusiasm.And also, bioactive points are on the sole of male legs - exactly in the center of the foot.

Good results are given by massage of testicles, penis and prostate. It can be done independently, or you can use a partner's help. For this kind of massage, you need to relax and tune. Knead the testicles for 2 minutes with stroke and both palms. Drag the lump in different directions, curls in a circle.

Any massage should be the cause of pleasant sensations. Extreme facilities and pain means that actions are wrong.

Aromatherapy to improve potency

Official medicine has long been recognized as the medical effect of aromatherapy. Many plants are medical due to the essential oils present in them.Essential oils are sold in a pharmacy>. They have unique qualities. They can doAdd to the bath>, UseWith a massage>Add to the water that is printedOn stones in a steam room>, Put in a room in arrow-lamps.

As such oils:Ilang-Illing>,black pepper>,Almond>- They are considered male. They are capable of increasing sexual desire, improves power, cause endorphins of production.

Age -degree of power disorders

Potency disorders are found in about half of men after 50 years. All violations of postancy have been divided into degrees:Light degree - small failures occur from time to time or there is a gradual inconsistent decrease in potency; In the morning, spontaneous erections disappear, intercourse time decreases, etc. Light violations are found in a third of men who have problems with power;Average degree - problems are increasing, it is difficult to get a complete construction, premature ejaculation appears; Failures are accompanied by stress, which further enhances the condition; Average degrees develop in half of men with such pathology;Severe degree - lack of sex drive and complete impotence; Sometimes sex drives are sometimes preserved, and an erection is absent; It develops in 20% of men.

If a person has a weak potency at 50, do not wait for new symptoms, it is better to see a doctor immediately!

Benefits of traditional medicine

Patience is required to restore power with folk remedies.>The effect occurs only after a few weeks, but it is fixed for a long time.Benefits of traditional medicine:>Recipes are based on natural ingredients that are easy to achieve;It is easy to prepare all means;There are no serious negative reactions;On the way, with increasing power, the entire organism is improving, as most bioactive components simultaneously have a widespread impact on multiple systems;There is no addiction.

Folk methods of increasing potency can be added without side effects. Most of them can use men for 60, which are contraindicated by many synthetic pathogens.

Leaf GreensSheet greens for potency

With regular use of celery, dill, parsley, the blood flow of the genitorinary system improves, sexual desire increases. Life greens contain vitamins, minerals. Udapad relieves inflammation, acts as an aristocratic - increases attractiveness.Where to buy branded items for a penny9 possible causes of rapid heartbeatSpicy tomatoes for winter

To improve the quality of intimate life, eat raw greens.

What to do to stand for a long time

An erection is a physical function aimed at having sexual intercourse.

The duration of construction depends on many factors, mainly on sexual stimulation, the normal state of a man's body.

The presence of pathological processes in the urinary tract, which can have an infectious and functional nature, also plays an important role.

Factors affecting the duration of construction>

To perform sexual functions as an erection, many systems are involved in the human body.

For a member to stand for a long time, it is necessary not only to take into account the condition of the reproductive system, but also other organs.

There are several groups of causes affecting the duration and quality of an erection, including:Inflammation of prostate glandPsychological factor - presence of libido, attraction of a sexual partner for a man;Changes in functional activity of the cardiovascular system-presence of blood pressure, coronary heart disease;Endocrine pathology - insufficiency or excess of sexual and other hormones in the body;Age - A man of the year, short -long and high -quality construction;Diseases of the urinary tract affect an erection.

Before making medical recommendations, it is very important to detect the cause of erectile dysfunction.